“Words of Affirmation” Day

In four years of marriage, I’ve learned that Greg often receives love through “words of affirmation.” Of course he knows that I love him and that I am thankful for him, but when I just assume that he knows and fail to verbalize it, I often miss out on opportunities to love him in a way that he receives it most poignantly. I simply melt when I hear him vacuuming upstairs or changing a diaper! It’s not flowers and chocolate (although those are nice too), but it speaks love to me most profoundly sometimes!
In light of this concept of seeking to speak my husbands “love language,” I thought that with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday we could start what I hope will become a family tradition, called the “Thankfulness Box.”
Inside are the names of family and friends who will be around our Thanksgiving table. When a name is drawn, that person shares at least one thing they are thankful for. This provides a fun way to slow down and let that Turkey settle, ponder the things we are thankful for, count some of our blessings, and hopefully bless those around us with words of affirmation.
Will you join me in this tradition? You can do it simply, using a hat and some scraps of paper, or get fancy and bust out the craft glue! I decided to re-purpose this Kleenex box and some old vintage scraps of material from my Grandma’s sewing room.
Either way, lets not let another Thanksgiving come and go without stopping to really give thanks!
