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There And Back Again…Again…

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Four years ago, and 8 months pregnant with a 1 year old in tow, we left home, family, and a secure job in NM to pursue what we felt deeply was God’s call on our lives to walk by faith into a new adventure. It meant support raising, downsizing, leaving the comfort of long-time friendships, family, and a familiar culture for unfamiliar territory and starting over in so many ways. It was not a decision we made lightly, and since that first step out of the boat, we’ve experienced as much joy as we have heartache over the years.


We left NM for two beautiful years in southern CA, then took a call at an incredible church in AZ, only to be called home again, this time to Santa Fe, NM where, “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise” (as my AK friends say), we will be for the long haul! Five moves in roughly five years has left us road weary, to be sure, but with hearts so full! Full with all the many, many people who have loved us along the way. Who have befriended, mothered, fathered and grandparent-ed us and our kids. People who have mentored, counseled, and challenged us, given us opportunities, meals, even a roof over our heads at times. Our hearts are full with these “hands and feet of Jesus” people, and the many grains of wisdom we’ve gathered (often through trial and storm) along the way.


We are, in a sense, “coming home.” But we, like all who sojourn, return very different people than when we left. Hopefully wiser. Most assuredly humbler. We’ve gone “there and back again” having gained a renewed and deepened sense of God’s faithfulness and provision for us. The journey continues, of course. God will continue to surprise, challenge, and keep us uncomfortable enough to need Him in this new chapter. We are still processing all that we have gained (and lost) along the way. And we are counting it all blessings. Not taking for granted both the good and the hard. And we are thanking God for planting our feet on familiar soil again, and praying for His strength made perfect in our weakness as we journey ahead!

I have so much more to tell….But those stories are taking shape in song form. So stay tuned….



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