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Mother’s Day Gifts & Fundraising for EP!

Well, the title pretty much gives it away. This post is a shameless plug 🙂

In less than ONE MONTH I’ll be in Albuquerque recording my second EP with some very talented, amazing musicians! I can’t wait to share the new tunes! I will be sharing more details and sneak peeks in the months ahead as we record and get ready to release in the Fall.

Of course, these things cost money, so if you have any interest in helping me raise a few more dollars for the cost of recording, there are a couple of ways you can help and get some goodies out of the deal!

1. Pray for me as I finalized details, pinch a few pennies, and record. My hope and prayer is that this music will be produced with excellence, but most importantly, that it will bless those who hear it and will reach far and wide for His glory!

2. Buy some of my home-made products. Check out my “herb store” and contact me to purchase something for yourself or someone who might like hand-made, herbal gifts such as loose leaf tea, lip balm, hand ointment/salve, etc. (P.S. It’s Mother’s Day next Sunday!)

More products listed here:


Custom Gift Basket: Bath salt, salve, tea, lip balm

3. Get a CD! You can, of course, download my music here, but I also have hard copies of Dark Is Light, my first EP, available for $10.00 and hard copies of my Advent Single, “Lo, How A Rose E’re Blooming,” for only $1.00.

Contact me to purchase hard copies of my music.

4. Leave a tip! If you’re not into herbal goodies, already have my music, and just want to help a friend out, you can visit Noisetrade where “Prodigal” (one of the tracks from “Dark Is Light”) is available for free download. You can “leave a tip” of the suggested amount or whatever you feel led.

THANK YOU for supporting and God Bless!


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