It Is Finished- An Animation by Full of Eyes

“Let us meditate a moment on the passion of Christ…true contemplation is that in which the heart is crushed and the conscience smitten. You must be overwhelmed by the frightful wrath of God whoso hated sin that he spared not his only begotten son. What can the sinner expect if the beloved Son was so afflicted? It must be an inexpressible and unendurable yearning that causes God’s Son himself so to suffer. Ponder this and you will tremble, and the more you ponder, the deeper you will tremble.” – Martin Luther
Luther’s words are a fitting summary of what I had hoped to accomplish in writing “It Is Finished.” It was written with the hope of allowing ourselves to more deeply ponder the agony of what Christ endured on the cross. It’s a “Good Friday” song intended to hold us in the suspense and discomfort of “it is finished,” but not yet resolving into “he is risen.” In so many other songs, and even throughout the Lenten season, we hurry through Good Friday onto Resurrection Sunday to sing “he is risen!” (as we should because indeed he is!), but we must not flit past the Cross. We must allow ourselves to return to and remember the weight and cost of our freedom in Christ. It is only then that we can more deeply understand our need and God’s abundant and scandalous love for us through Christ Jesus.
Please watch and SHARE this incredible animation! I’ve been following Full of Eyes‘ work and moved by creator Chris Powers’ ministry for many years. It has been an honor to collaborate with him on this project!
Both the original and extended version of the song are also available to download, as well as a chord chart. The song and animated video are free for you to use in your church’s liturgy. There is also an accompanying discussion guide for free to download.