Dark is Light: An Upcoming EP

The news has been out for a while about our move to San Diego this July. I have shamefully failed to blog about it here, but have left the blogging and updating to my husband, thus far. We have a separate blog in which we go into greater detail about how/why we’ve come to make this move. Please check it out HERE.
The other news is that in the midst of moving madness and preparing for all that lies ahead while being pregnant with a toddler at home and a thousand other things to do, I have begun a recording project of some of my original songs. It might sound like impeccably bad timing but if you knew (or know) of all the wonderful resources I will be leaving behind upon our move, you would understand why I am making time for this much belated project!
You can look for more info. on the project (called “Dark is Light”), and track its progress through pictures, videos, and brief posts, and of course watch for final EP to become available to buy this summer. There’s a separate page for this on our blog.
Thanks for stopping by! Blessings!