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Mercy Of The Shears

"Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:2

Sometimes God's mercy is shown most poignantly through our suffering. For me, it has been through my struggle with chronic illness that God has been shaping my "branches" so to speak. I'm learning to maintain a long-view for the often painful process of God "pruning" away my distractions, addictions, false sense of control, or things I think are worth clinging to that keep me from trusting Him.

Psalm 34 says, "I will bless the Lord at all times."

"All times" is a tall order when you're in the middle of an intense pruning season. In those moments, I have to trust in the knowing hand of the Gardener. I have to believe that I will flourish and bear fruit in His perfect time, and that the fruit I bear will be all the sweeter and truer to His purpose for me because of His hand of mercy. This is the truth I wrestle with in my new song, Mercy of the Shears. I'm thrilled to share this live recording of it! In the video, you can see members of our church community partaking in communion together in the background. I really love that we captured that. Part of my vision and prayer for this new music is that it will bless the church and be useful in the context of corporate worship.

Please share this video and the Indiegogo site and help me bring this new song of hope to many ears!

Mercy of the shears Words and Music by Caitelen Schneeberger I will bless the Lord my God whose hand upholds me Even when my voice is weak, let praises be unceasing Friends will fail and pen run dry, yet in the grieving When there are no tears left to cry Your Spirit’s interceding I will bless the Lord my God, love unrelenting Patiently you bear my doubts, my fears and my lamenting I confess my discontent, my tongue unbridled Of my sin you know the depths yet call me child Though the bough is bent and bruised and seasoned with tears Vines that grow the sweetest fruit know the mercy of the shears I will bless the Lord my God in feast or famine When gratitude is on my tongue my heart is set toward heaven With my eyes ever upon the wounded healer Set me on a course of love to bring the wayward nearer

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