Welcome to my blog!
I'm a singer/songwriter, multi-instrument musician, recording artist, worship leader, vocal coach, poet (MFA Ashland University, 2012), mom of two beautiful daughters, pastor's wife, and community herbalist. I have a website strictly for my music endeavors (www.caitelen.com), but here I occasionally share at length about the things on my heart, pertaining often to this idea of "undone by grace." It's the idea that in Christ we are all constantly in a process of being undone, sometimes through intense hardship, but always by God's grace, and ever-upheld by Him. When we surrender to this undoing, relinquishing our false sense of control, and allowing God to free us from the weight of trying to save ourselves, we experience His strength made perfect in our weakness. We become raw and ready vessels, empty to be filled, and availble to be used for His glory! And through it all He remains steadfast in His mercy to us. (More on that HERE).
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